30. Rally

For International Women’s Day I want to honor the women who have rallied around me on my motherhood journey. So many incredible women have loved and supported me during my time of need. Each one played a very important role in helping me find joy, meaning, and healing. 

To the woman who raised me – I would not be where I am today without your love and guidance. Thank you for teaching me that my identity is in Christ. Thank you for modeling hard work, integrity, and responsibility. Thank you for being my idea sounding board and my cheerleader. I am so grateful you have reminded me to forgive myself and not forget my self-worth. 

To the women who call me “Big Sister” – Thank you for celebrating my wins with me. Thank you for loving Gideon so much! You both bring a joy and excitement to life that is contagious. Thank you for being so generous. I am so thankful for all of our fun times and look forward to more to come. 

To the women who told me it would be ok – Thank you for encouraging me to choose life. Thank you for reminding me that my parents would still love me. Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on. Thank you for reminding me that no mistake is too big for God to forgive. 

To the women who came alongside and supported me – Thank you for dreaming with me. Thank you for going with me to appointments, hospital visits, and Lamaze class. Thank you for encouraging me to take pregnancy photos so I could remember those times. Thank you for covering for me when I wasn’t ready to tell anyone I was pregnant. Thank you for praying for me. 

To the woman who gave me incredible opportunities – Thank you for allowing me to go back to California. Thank you for seeing that I was struggling and helping me realize that leaving DC was the best thing to do. Thank you for giving me the incredible opportunity to work from home so I could be with Gideon for his first 8 months of life. 

To the women who helped me put myself back together – Thank you for encouraging me to see that what was going on was not love. Thank you for reminding me that it’s ok to not be ok. Thank you for being there when I felt like I couldn’t talk to anyone else. Thank you for allowing me to be vulnerable. 

To the women who celebrated with me – Thank you for traveling to my baby showers. Thank you for showering me with love and support. Thank you for bringing a joy and excitement to my pregnancy because it truly made a world of difference. I was overwhelmed by your kind, encouraging words. Thank you for giving me maternity hand-me-downs and baby items. 

To the women who love Gideon – I am so thankful for you! Your love is something that is irreplaceable. I know he is so blessed to have all of you in his life. I love you all! 


Redeemed Mama

“Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.” – Serena Williams

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