22. Review

My family has a tradition that we all look forward to. At the end of every year, we all write our year in review. I like to do my year in review by going through my pictures to help jog my memory. It’s usually a lot of fun looking back on the year and seeing all of the fun things I did. I include the goals I accomplished, the milestones I reached, and other things of note. I also include some of the current event highlights from the past year. Once everyone has finished writing their year in review, we all get together and share them. It’s generally a time of laughing and going, “Oh yeah! I forgot about that.”

I always want my year in review to be an honest representation of how the year went. I include all of the highlights of the year – the good, the bad, and the ugly. There have been a lot of great years with fantastic memories. However, let’s be honest, some years have had some really difficult times (cough…2018 – 2020…cough). Sometimes it’s downright painful to look back on some of those memories. Those years are usually a lot harder to write because I don’t particularly want to remember the bad times. 

2020 was a strange year. It would be so easy for me to only look at all of the negative things that happened in 2020. However, that wouldn’t be an honest representation of the year. There were some good things that happened in 2020, but not everything was great that’s for sure. Here’s a quick look back at some of my year. . .

January 2020: Visited Death Valley, CA and got to admire God’s beautiful creation. 

February 2020: Ended my job in Washington, DC. 

March 2020: Lead an elective class at Father’s Eyes. The same weekend everything shut down in CA for the pandemic. 

April 2020: Gideon started walking.

May 2020: My niece (Baby T) was born. 

June 2020: Gideon turned 1.

July 2020: Learned how to homestead. 

August 2020: Started this blog. 

September 2020: The police, the firefighters, and paramedics came to the house because I had an allergic reaction to mushrooms on a slice of pizza and ended up in the ER. 

October 2020: Baby Dedication for Gideon. 

November 2020: Advocated for our future. 

December 2020: Seeing Gideon’s face on Christmas. 

I like this tradition because I enjoy going back and looking at past years. One day Gideon will be able to look back at these years in review since they serve as a diary of sorts. It’s neat to see how much I’ve grown throughout the years. I enjoy reminiscing over all those fun memories. I am also reminded each time I look back at past years that God is still there even when it is difficult for me to see Him. 

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22 – 23


Redeemed Mama

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