18. Rarity

The pastor at church last week said something that really stuck out to me. He said, “Everyone wants to experience a miracle, but nobody wants to need one.” I’ve been in a place where I was in need of a miracle. It was a terrifying position to be in. I was sitting in a Planned Parenthood asking for an abortion pill to end my unplanned pregnancy. However, God had His hand on the situation and, miraculously, there wasn’t a clinic in a 3 hour radious that had an abortion pill. That was my miracle! And I thank God for my miracle everyday. 

Motherhood has taught me a lot about faith. There are moments when I do not feel adequate for this job. How do I raise Gideon to be a good man? How do I handle disciplining him so he learns he can’t throw tantrums when he doesn’t get his way? How do I handle the wrestling match that comes with every diaper change? How do I provide for Gideon as a single mom? I’m still trying to determine the answer to those questions and so many more. There is one thing I know for sure though, God has provided for us and He will continue to provide for us. 

I had a totally embarrassing thing happen to me a couple months ago. I ended up having to go to the ER in the middle of the night after eating a slice of pizza with mushrooms on it. Turns out I’m all of a sudden allergic to mushrooms (I hate mushrooms so I had no idea I was allergic to them). The police, firefighters, and paramedics all showed up at my door in the middle of the night. It was a mess. To make a long story short . . . going to the ER when you don’t have medical insurance is not the cheapest thing. I’ve been looking for a job since spring and haven’t found one yet. Needless to say, expensive medical bills was the last thing I was expecting to have when I didn’t have income. I requested financial assistance for my medical bills, but my request was denied. I made the adjustments to my budget and paid the bills. The day after I finished paying my medical bills, I got a call from my grandmother. She said she had been praying about giving a donation to someone in need during this holiday season, but no one had come to mind at first. She then thought of me. Her generous donation covered a large portion of my medical bills. 

That was just one more way God has provided for us. His ways never cease to amaze me. Matthew 19:26 says, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” I don’t know how our story ends, but I know God will continue to provide for us.

I needed a miracle and I got more than one. Miracles might seem like a rarity, but I’ve found that when I trust God, He always makes a way. God was watching out for us on that day at Planned Parenthood and He continues to watch out for us today. Motherhood is definitely not easy, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I am so thankful for my little Miracle. 


Redeemed Mama

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